Routine dental cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health, but sometimes a deeper cleaning is needed to address more advanced dental issues. Advanced cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a procedure designed to remove tartar and plaque from below the gumline, helping prevent or treat gum disease. This type of cleaning goes beyond the regular maintenance cleaning, addressing problems that may not be visible during a routine exam.

Why is Advanced Cleaning Necessary?

While regular brushing and flossing can keep plaque from building up on the surface of your teeth, there are times when plaque and tartar accumulate in areas that are difficult to reach. If left untreated, this buildup can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health problems. When a standard cleaning is not enough, advanced cleaning becomes necessary to prevent further complications.

The Process of Advanced Cleaning

Advanced cleaning involves two main steps:

  1. Scaling: This step involves the removal of plaque and tartar that have accumulated both above and below the gumline. Scaling is done using specialized tools, including hand scalers and ultrasonic instruments, which vibrate to remove hardened tartar effectively. The process may be done on one section of the mouth at a time to ensure thorough cleaning. 
  2. Root Planing: Once the plaque and tartar are removed, root planing smooths the surface of the tooth roots to help prevent bacteria from accumulating again. This step also helps to promote healing of the gums by removing rough spots on the roots that may have been caused by gum disease. 

In some cases, a local anesthetic may be used to numb the gums during the procedure to ensure comfort, especially if the cleaning involves deep pockets around the teeth or areas of infection.

Who Needs Advanced Cleaning?

Advanced cleaning is typically recommended for individuals who have:

  • Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease): Early-stage gum disease, called gingivitis, can usually be treated with a standard cleaning. However, more severe cases, known as periodontitis, may require advanced cleaning to address infection beneath the gumline and prevent further tissue damage. 
  • Excessive Plaque and Tartar Buildup: If you have neglected regular dental visits or have difficulty maintaining an effective oral hygiene routine, plaque and tartar may build up, leading to the need for a more thorough cleaning. 
  • Deep Gum Pockets: In cases of gum disease, the spaces between your teeth and gums (gum pockets) can deepen. Advanced cleaning helps to remove bacteria and infection from these pockets and smooths the tooth roots, making it harder for bacteria to re-enter. 
  • Tooth Sensitivity: When gum disease has caused receding gums, the root surfaces may be exposed, leading to increased sensitivity. Advanced cleaning can help treat the underlying cause of this discomfort by smoothing rough areas and removing irritants. 

Benefits of Advanced Cleaning

    1. Prevents Gum Disease Progression: By removing bacteria and tartar from beneath the gumline, advanced cleaning helps halt the progression of gum disease, preventing more serious issues like tooth loss. 
    2. Improves Gum Health: Deep cleaning helps to eliminate infection in the gums and promotes healing, allowing them to reattach to the teeth. 
    3. Eliminates Bad Breath: Gum disease and tartar buildup are often responsible for persistent bad breath. Cleaning the teeth and gums thoroughly helps reduce odor-causing bacteria and improves breath. 
    4. Prevents Tooth Loss: Advanced cleaning helps protect against the destruction of tooth-supporting bone, preventing the need for more extensive dental treatments in the future, including tooth extraction. 
    5. Reduces Inflammation and Bleeding: By removing harmful bacteria and plaque, advanced cleaning can reduce gum inflammation, bleeding, and discomfort associated with periodontal disease. 

Aftercare and Maintenance

After advanced cleaning, it’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions for aftercare, which may include:

  • Slight Sensitivity: Some patients experience mild sensitivity in the days following the procedure. This is typically temporary and should subside as your gums heal.
  • Good Oral Hygiene: To maintain the results of your advanced cleaning, it’s essential to brush and floss regularly, as well as attend follow-up appointments to monitor your oral health.
  • Regular Check-ups: Depending on the severity of gum disease, your dentist may recommend more frequent visits to ensure that your gums are healing properly.

The Importance of Advanced Cleaning in Oral Health

Advanced cleaning is an effective and non-surgical way to treat gum disease, eliminate bacteria, and restore healthy gums. By addressing issues early, you can prevent serious complications like tooth loss or the need for more invasive procedures.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of gum disease or have been advised to undergo advanced cleaning, don’t wait—schedule an appointment with us today!

Call us at (520) 568-9100 to book your advanced cleaning session and take the first step toward healthier gums and a brighter smile.